
,#NoswitchesDecrapifiescurrentuseraccountonly.Leavesotheruseraccountsalone.Stilldisablesservicesandscheduledtasks.RemovesallappsbutStore, ...,2018年9月20日—OnceagainMicrosoftreleasedfreshWindows10version180ISO's.GiventheRemove-Appxprovisionedpackageproblemsw...|WindowsDecrapifier,RemovesallUWPappsexceptforsomeusefulonesandonesyouspecify.DisablesCortana,OneDrive,restrictsdefaultprivacysettingsa...

Windows 10 Decrapifier, version 2.ps1

#No switches Decrapifies current user account only. Leaves other user accounts alone. Still disables services and scheduled tasks. Removes all apps but Store, ...

Windows 10 Version 1803, Updated September 20, 2018 ISO

2018年9月20日 — Once again Microsoft released fresh Windows 10 version 180 ISO's.Given the Remove-Appxprovisioned package problems w... | Windows Decrapifier

Windows 1011 Decrapifier

Removes all UWP apps except for some useful ones and ones you specify. Disables Cortana, OneDrive, restricts default privacy settings and cleans ...

Win 10 decrap scripts

Description: # This script removes unwanted Apps that come with Windows. If you do not want. # to remove certain Apps comment out the corresponding lines ...

系統工具《Decrap》免重灌一鍵移除全部已安裝的軟體並還原 ...

2013年8月16日 — Decrap 使用介紹: · 01. 清除電腦可以分為自動和手動,在這一頁裡也有寫到清除是指完全移除安裝的軟體及相關登錄檔等等,如果你很單純的想要清除全部的 ...

decrap教學 > 清理卸載系統預先安裝軟體

decrap教學,2018年5月27日— Decrap my Computer 是一款清理卸載系統預先安裝軟體的工具,只要一鍵就能讓您電腦裡的全部已安裝軟體通通卸載清理乾淨,讓您的電腦直接 ...


Decrap my Computer 是一款清理卸載系統預先安裝軟體的工具,只要一鍵就能讓您電腦裡的全部已安裝軟體通通卸載清理乾淨,讓您的電腦直接還原到最初始 ...